Saturday, 11 October 2008

Basement Watch...

God I love instore performances... I'm not talking major record store events, I'm talking about the hidden, out of the way smaller affairs that take place with twenty or so people crammed into a tiny space... where everybody is gagging with an intense love for the drone/electronics/music whatever you want to call it.
Cramming for soundwaves I call it.
I have just witnessed one of these gatherings... where a profound, densely layered, aural blitz was conjured up by Vodka Soap (Spencer Clark of Skaters fame) and Family Battle Snake
in my favourite basement seventh heaven that is Second Layer Records. This is as close as I'll ever get to the musical 'happenings' that seem to happen every other day in the Northampton/Easthampton MA orbit that I admire from afar via the internet. There is something so inspiring about sharing music in this way... It has nothing to do with money or fashion or record label bullshit.
These tiny jewels are where it's at.

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